On this page you will find important information relating to your presentation/chairperson/volunteer roles within the official program.
Conference begins in:
- 00Days
- 00Hours
- 00Minutes
- 00Seconds
Further questions
For any enquiries regarding your presentations, please do not hesitate to contact ICUC11 Program Manager.
For full instructions on how to pre-submit your oral presentation please check the “pre-submission guidelines” heading below.
Be sure to take note of the required naming convention for your presentation file!
Use this handy checklist when preparing for your presentation / session.
Prepare your presentation using the guidelines.
➤ Go to guidelines for oral presentations
➤ Go to guidelines for poster presentations
➤ Go to guidelines for chairpersons
➤ Go to guidelines for volunteers -
Download templates for your presentation
➤ Download oral template for PowerPoint (.pptx) -
Upload / print
Oral presentations can now be pre-submitted until 24hours prior to your day of presentation! Further details below.
Monday presentations upload here
Tuesday presentations upload here
Wednesday presentations upload here
Thursday presentations upload here
Friday presentations upload here
Poster presentations are to be printed in the correct format and displayed at the assigned date/time
Oral presentations
This information is for all oral presentations. These guidelines include instructions on how to prepare your presentation.
It is important that you read and understand these guidelines while preparing your presentation.
Ready to pre-submit your oral presentation? Make sure you follow the below guidelines:
- Ensure your presentation is saved in PowerPoint format (Keynote, PDF formats will not be accepted)
- It is recommended that you use the official ICUC11 PowerPoint template (but not mandatory)
- Check the official program for your presentation/session details
- Name your presentation file using our naming convention outlined below
Presentation file naming convention
Ensure your presentation is labelled correctly.
Session day-Number-Room_Last name
An example of this for M. Hart presenting in the “Mon3.230 Urban climate policy” session would be Mon-3-230_Hart.pptx
Presentation upload links
Please use the relevant upload link below for your presentation.
Uploads are facilitated by Dropbox - however you do not require an account to upload!
- Monday presentations upload here
- Deadline to pre-submit is Saturday 26 Aug at 2300 hours, AEST
- Tuesday presentations upload here
- Deadline to pre-submit is Sunday 27 Aug at 2300 hours, AEST
- Wednesday presentations upload here
- Deadline to pre-submit is Monday 28 Aug at 2300 hours, AEST
- Deadline to pre-submit is Monday 28 Aug at 2300 hours, AEST
- Thursday presentations upload here
- Deadline to pre-submit is Tuesday 29 Aug at 2300 hours, AEST
- Friday presentations upload here
- Deadline to pre-submit is Wednesday 30 Aug at 2300 hours, AEST
It is recommended that all oral presenters use the official presentation template (see “Checklist & Deadlines”) when preparing their presentation.
However, please note that this is not mandatory if you prefer to use your organisation/institution’s branding.
This template is already in the 16:9 ratio for you.
All oral abstract presentations will be allocated a total of 15 minutes.
This allows for 12 minutes presentation time, 1 minute transition time and 2 minutes for Q&A with the audience.
Please ensure you tailor your presentation according to these time limits.
All users of Mac (Apple) hardware need to ensure before they leave home that the files are compatible with PC hardware. It is expected that presenters will use Microsoft.
Other compatible software includes:
- Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Outlook)
- Windows media player
- Quick time
- WinZip
- Adobe Acrobat
- Flash Player
Please let us know if you will be using a Mac (Apple) system to prepare your presentation.
If you have movies or sound files in the PowerPoint presentation please embed them and test that they work correctly in presentation mode.
To ensure a complete and effective presentation every time here’s what to do:
- Create a folder for your presentation
- Place or copy every file that is used in the presentation in this folder. This will include all pictures, movies, sounds or any files that are used in the presentation
- Now re-create any links so that they access this presentation folder (insert, movies and sounds, from file). Remember to resave the presentation
- Another advantage of this approach is that you have access to the original files such as video clips etc in the event of PowerPoint problems
Pre-submission of oral presentations is now open!
Oral presenters can now pre-submit their PowerPoint presentations from now until 24hours prior to their day of presentation.
It is highly recommended that you prepare and pre-submit your oral presentation before arrival.
If you are not able to pre-submit your presentation, you MUST pre-load your presentation at the speakers preparation room at least 3 hours prior to their session commencing.
It will not be possible to use your own laptop or USB for your presentation.
Your presentation will be given live, in-person. Questions from the audience will be moderated by the session chair and distributed verbally to speakers.
You are required to be available for the duration of your session and to participate in the live Q&A.
The speaker room will be located in “The Green Room” located beside the Sir John Clancy Auditorium.
If you have not pre-submitted your presentation, ensure you check in at the speakers preparation room at least 3 hours prior to your session commencement.
Your presentation will be checked and be available in your assigned session room.
Speaker preparation opening times will be confirmed shortly.
Please follow the below checklist to ensure you are ready for your presentation!
- Make sure you have loaded your presentation in the speakers preparation room / or pre-submitted it ahead of your arrival
- Be in your assigned session room at least 20 minutes prior to your session commencing
- Ensure that you are seated at the front of the room (front row near lectern)
Poster presentations
This information is for all poster presentations. These guidelines include instructions on how to prepare your poster.
The poster presentation schedule has now been released.
Please ensure you read the guidelines carefully.
The official poster size is AO, portrait (1189mm high and 841mm wide - maximum size).
Each poster is permitted 1 x AO display.
You are required to prepare your poster in the correct sizing i.e it is not suitable to prepare multiple smaller size sheets to display.
All presenters are responsible for printing and preparing their posters prior to their arrival at the conference. Please note, the ICUC11 Secretariats will not be able to print your posters onsite.
Posters will be displayed on free standing boards within the catering and exhibition area.
Your poster space allocation is AO size, portrait (1189mm high and 841mm wide – maximum size). Please note, there will be two posters per board so clear identification is absolutely essential.
We recommend using Velcro to mount material on the board as poster boards will be Velcro compatible.
You may consider having a synopsis of your research eg. A4 or US sized letter sized copies of the poster, available at your poster or a business card if people wish to contact you after the conference. These are to be placed in pockets attached to the poster (presenters responsibility to supply).
Please click on the relevant poster listing below to see your assigned poster display board number.
Your poster presentation schedule notification email will state which poster sessions you have been assigned to.
Poster listings:
While your poster presentation will be displayed for the duration of the day you have been assigned, we only ask presenters to stand near their work during morning and afternoon tea breaks.
This is so they can present their work to any interested delegates and answer any questions that may be posed.
Poster presentations will be rotated daily throughout ICUC11, therefore it is important to note the hanging and removal times outlined below:
Monday 28 August 2023
- Posters must be displayed by no later than 0930 hours.
- Posters must be removed by no later than 1800 hours.
Tuesday 29 August 2023
- Posters must be displayed by no later than 1000 hours.
- Posters must be removed by no later than 1800 hours.
Wednesday 30 August 2023
- Posters must be displayed by no later than 1000 hours.
- Posters must be removed by no later than 1800 hours.
Thursday 31 August 2023
- Posters must be displayed by no later than 1000 hours.
- Posters must be removed by no later than 1730 hours.
Friday 1 September 2023
- Posters must be displayed by no later than 0800 hours.
- Posters must be removed by no later than 1700 hours.
Important note: If your poster is not removed by the date/time indicated above it will be removed on your behalf and placed at the ICUC11 registration desk for collection.
If your poster is not collected by 1745 hours on Friday 1 September 2023, it will be discarded.
This information is for all main program session chairpersons. These guidelines include instructions on how to prepare and manage your assigned sessions.
Before your session
- Check the online program or chair matrix to confirm the date and time for the sessions you are chairing/moderating
You can search for your name in the search field and all instances, including when you are chairing, will come up.
- There will be 2 chairs per session. Please check with the co-chair before the session if you wish to divide the introduction, time-keeping, and assessment tasks
- Be sure to familarise yourself with the speakers and abstracts being presented in your session listed in the online program
- If you’re active on Twitter or LinkedIn, take a moment to let everyone know about ICUC11 and your session. Include the #ICUC11Sydney hashtag and @ICUC11Sydney handle on Twitter
- Review the “what to expect - during session” instructions below
During your session
- Go to your assigned room 15 minutes in advance. Speakers in the session will be arriving early to check their talks on the computer if they have not yet (Note: presentations are uploaded in advance)
- You will have an assigned student volunteer (please say hello!) who will be helping with checking slides, slide transitions, time keeping and Q&A. We will also have AV technicians onsite
- All sessions will be recorded on Vimeo via share screen. The AV technician in your room will ensure the Vimeo functions are in order
- At the beginning of the session, please introduce yourself and do a 30-60 second introduction of the general session topics and plan
- When introducing the session - it is not necessary to read presenter biographies. Instead please only read the presentation title and speaker name - this ensures that we preserve any extra time for Q&A with the audience
- As session chair, you are in charge of timing. Ensure that your session is running on time. We recommend that you plan to give each presenter 12 minutes for their talk, spend 2 minutes on Q&A and leave 1 minute for transition. Staying on time is important so that delegates can move between rooms if wanting to view talks from different concurrent sessions. Each room will have time left signs for you to use as warnings
- For Q&A, please do your best to ensure that the question is repeated by the speaker so it can be heard in the recording
- Please be prepared with a question for each speaker in case there are no audience questions (only if time allows)
- Be sure to ensure the gender and cultural diversity of those you permit to ask a question. Do not always for the same loud people or those down the front. We suggest asking for questions specifically from ECRs/students
- If there is no time for questions, please more to the next speaker
- If a speaker does not come to give their presentation please maintain the session timing and do not move onto the next speaker straight away, instead facilitate Q&A until time for the next speaker
- If your session as an option slot at the end, you are welcome to facilitate continued Q&A and/or open discussion
- During the session, use this form to provide the following information
- Nominate 1-2 presentations for special issues that may be suitable for journal special issues, which will be arranged after the conference
- Provide 3-4 bullet points noting emerging research directions and existing gaps discussed in your session. This is particularly important since IPCC has recently announced the focus on “Cities and Climate” as a priority area, motivating IAUC to further synthesize existing knowledge and the state of the urban climate discipline post ICUC11.
- This information should be submitted no later than Sunday 17 September 2023
In all session rooms, there will be an AV technician who will be able to answer any questions you may have.
There will also be a student volunteer available between the different concurrent rooms to assist.
Chairperson code of conduct
All chairpersons who participate also agree to abide by the code of conduct outlined here.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lectus neque, laoreet nec sapien in, laoreet iaculis justo. Vestibulum ullamcorper nisi arcu, at blandit ligula egestas sit amet. Phasellus sed volutpat est. Suspendisse dignissim, diam ac maximus interdum, erat massa semper felis, vel vulputate magna leo vitae erat. Mauris a sodales augue. Nunc vitae convallis orci. Maecenas sapien elit, rutrum non elit ac, vestibulum sodales massa. Donec in lorem nulla. Suspendisse vitae odio tellus. Ut non ligula ac tortor pharetra porttitor nec nec neque. Nulla vestibulum venenatis condimentum. Ut sodales ac quam sed mollis. Donec a condimentum lectus. Quisque vel nibh placerat, hendrerit massa non, congue erat.
Ut finibus lorem id hendrerit eleifend. Cras dapibus vehicula efficitur. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce at blandit augue. Sed sed convallis ex, vel gravida elit. Proin auctor eleifend tincidunt. Sed rhoncus ut tortor sed aliquet. Nullam semper a lectus eu ultrices. Suspendisse vitae dui eget turpis sollicitudin ultricies quis sit amet nulla.
Introducing speakers
- Analyses of speaker introductions shows gender and CALD bias.
- Males are more likely to be introduced by their full name and title (e.g. Professor Mark Marks) and females are more likely to introduced by their first name (eg Jane instead of Profession Jane Janes).
- Introduce all speakers in the same way, with their full name. Prior to a session, meet the speakers and check the pronunciation of their name.
- Stick with professional information and don’t make reference to the speaker’s gender, appearance, age or status as a parent.
Who gets to ask the first question?
- A recent study showed that if a senior male delegate is invited to ask the first question, very few other delegates will ask questions.
- If a junior or female or less well-known delegate is chosen to ask the first question, the threshold for others to participate is lowered and a richer session results.
Time Keeping
- Ensure all speakers comply with their allocated time.
- Women and speakers from CALD backgrounds are more likely to stick to time and are more likely to be asked to shorten their speaking time following another speaker’s over run.
If in doubt call it out
It can be very difficult to respond in the moment to inappropriate conduct. This can be due to shock, a natural reticence to avoid conflict or uncertainty about the interpretation of the conduct.
It involves moderating the behaviour of others, when we would prefer people self- regulate.
Be aware that “humour” is not an excuse for discriminatory or offensive behaviour.
Calling it out in the moment, with respect, is more effective than action taken later. A simple “that’s not ok” in the moment, may be all that is needed.
As a session chair, the congress convenors support you in calling out inappropriate conduct.
Outlined below is a resource that you may find useful: the RACS Operating with Respect course.
There is an expectation and an obligation to be accountable for our culture- if we allow, permit, aid, foster, encourage, reward or incite unacceptable behaviour, we are condoning such behaviour.
We all have a moral and professional obligation to do something to address instances of unacceptable behaviour. Ultimately, we want a culture where unacceptable behaviour is infrequent, where people speak up, where it’s ok to speak up, where it’s ok to acknowledge that we transgressed in our behaviour and where there is opportunity to amend our behaviour.
Ensure your approach is:
- Unambiguous: that is not ok, that does not fit with the conference code of conduct
- Respectful and collegiate
- Focused on behaviour not the person (“that is not ok” rather than “You are not ok”)
- As objective as possible (you can write down the comment verbatim or describe the behaviour)
- Non-judgmental of the intent or the person,
- That’s not acceptable, let’s move on.
- That’s not ok, please move on from that slide.
- Thanks for your comments, we need to move on and I will invite others to contribute now.
- I don’t think those comments fit with our conference code of conduct. Let’s move on.
- Those comments could be interpreted as discriminatory. Is that what you meant?
- Yes, we are about freedom of intellectual expression, but discrimination is unlawful.
- Let’s operate with respect.
- I feel uncomfortable with these comments. Can we move on.
This information is for student volunteers. These guidelines include instructions on how to prepare and manage your assigned sessions.
Volunteer assignments
Please refer to the volunteer matrix for the session you are assisting with (instructions outlined in other tabs below) as well as the tasks assigned to you.
Assist with screen recording
*This will be handled by the AV technicians - volunteers will act as back up*
- Screen recording will be handled by the AV technicians in the room. Please familarise yourself with the software used, VIMEO, so that you can act as backup if needed. Instructions are included here
Assist with IT requirements and Q&A
*this information is for all volunteers*
During the session, you will be assisting with a) timekeeping and b) Q&A
- Make sure that speakers aren’t using the wireless microphone for their presentation (must use lectern) since the battery will die out. There will be USB microphones in each room
- Make sure to take the wireless microphone to those in audience who want to ask questions. This will make sure that the questions are heard by both the speakers and the audience
- You can find all the instructions on changing room settings, like volume/lighting here
Please also take note of the approximate number of attendees in your session and either add this number to the volunteer matrix next to your name or give this number to Judy Kingston in the speaker preparation room.
This will help us gauge interest in the various topics.
During your session
*this information is for those assigned to registration*
Please arrive early on the day at the John Clancy Auditorium to:
- Greet delegates at the registration desk
- Help delegates at the registration terminals as they register
- Hand over the delegate gifts. Ensure that each delegate receives ONE bag, notebook and pen
- Monitor lanyard collection
What time do I need to be there?
- Monday - 0730 hours
- All other days - 0800 hours
*this information is for those assigned to directional support*
Please arrive early on the day at the John Clancy Auditorium, Matthews Theatre, and classrooms to:
- Usher delegates into rooms as sessions commence and into the Pavilion for the poster sessions (all days)
- Usher delegates for the welcome icebreaker (Monday)
- Usher delegates to the School of Built Environment for the ECR event (Wednesday)
- Usher those with gala dinner tickets to the location for the bus transfer (Thursday)
What time do I need to be there?
- All mornings: 0815 hours
- Welcome icebreaker: 1715 hours
- Gala dinner: 1545 hours
- ECR event: 15 minutes prior to start time
*this information is for those assigned to poster support*
- In the morning: to assist with poster presenters finding their allocated board and putting up their posters. Note the poster allocations here
- At the conclusion of the day: to take down the posters and store them at registration desk
What time do I need to be there?
- Poster hanging times for each day can be found here under “poster presentations
*this information is for those assigned to speakers preparation room*
- Assisting Judy Kingston and her team in the speaker support room “the green room” at John Clancy Auditorium with the collection of presentations and uploading them to the correct room folder
What time do I need to be there?
- All days: 0800 hours